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HOME >> Introduction of trails >> From Shiko to Hongu-taisha Shrine trail
From Shiko to Hongu-taisha Shrine Trail

| Distance & Time | Summary | Map | Photos on Hongu-do trail | Transportation

Kumano-gawa River
Kumano-gawa River was a part of pilgrimage road so that it is a part of the World Heritage.
This trail starts at the ferry on this river.

trail to Banze-toge Pass
From Shiko to Banze-toge Pass, old road remains just before the pass for short distance.

road of "Kokumotorikoe trail"
This trail joins "Kokumotorikoe trail," a part of "Nakahechi Route," and leads to Hongu-taisha Shrine.

"Oyunohara" former site of Hongu-taisha Shrine
Hongu-taisha Shrine was carried away by a flood in August, 1889. Former site is called "Oyunohara." Land of the shrine was eight-times -wider than present one.
Now, there is silent space.

Hongu-taisha Shrine
Hongu-taisha Shrine is the final purpose for pilgrims. They firstly visited this shrine, then visited Hayatama-taisha Shrine, then visited Nachi-taisha Shrine, and finally visited this shrine again.

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