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HOME >> Introduction of trails >> Hongu-do trail (From Yanokawa to Yoji, Shiko)
Hongu-do Trail

| Distance & Time | Summary | Map | Photos on Hongu-do trail | Transportation

stone path on Hongu-do trail
Most of old Hongu-do trail was lost by the construction of paved road. But some part, including beautiful stone path, remains in good condition and they are parts of the World Heritage.

stone statue of jizo without head
There are many stone statues of jizo on this trail. Some are complete, the others lost parts of them. Most of them was made in Edo era(1603-1867).

small shrine on Hongu-do trail
There are small shrines on this trail. They must have been taken care of by local people.

Yoji-Yakushido Temple
The origin of Yoji-Yakushido Temple is said in 1100's for healing headache of Goshirakawa Emperor.

Kumano-gawa River
Kumano-gawa River was a part of pilgrimage road so that it is a part of the World Heritage.
A purpose of this trail is the ferry on this river.

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