Kumano Kodo -"Iseji"

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HOME >> Introduction of trails >> Crossing Mt.Yaki-yama trail
Milestones shaped to Jizo
Distance & Time | Summary | Map | Photos on Crossing Mt.Yaki-yama trail | Transportation

Distance & Time
About 12km, About 4hrs. and 40mins.: From Osone-ura Station to Mikisato Station
(About 14km, About 5hrs.10mins.: From Owase Station to Mikisato Station)
--- very hard walk

"Crossing Mt.Yaki-yama" is used to be called "The hardest point in the west Japan," and many pilgrims died without crossing this mountain and passes. Then there are some tombstones of pligrims on this trail. And now, this trail is still the hardest one among trails of "Ise-ji Route."
Though hardness of this trail, there are also many good points on this trail, for example- good stone path, 33 milestones shaped to jizo, Sakura-no-mori Area(viewing point) and so on.
If you have physical and mental strength, you will have wonderful time. Let's try !

"Crossing Mt.Yaki-yama Trail" brief Map
  click a map and you can see a big PDF map for printing
Crossing Mt. Yakiyama Map
Osone-ura Station ->(slight uphill and downhill, paved road, 30mins.)-> Starting Point ->(uphill-partly sharp uphill, stone path, 100mins.)-> Kuki-toge Pass ->(uphill, stone path, 20mins.)-> Yakiyama-toge Pass ->(sharp downhill, unpaved road-partly stone path, 40mins.)-> Juncture of two Path ->(slightly downhill, stone path-paved road, 50mins.)-> Nagara Bus Stop ->(even-partly uphill, paved road, 15mins.)-> Mikisato Station

by car Nagoya ==(Highway & Route 42 / 3hrs. and 25mins.)== Owase Station ==(10mins.)== Osone-ura Station
>Owase Station ==(30mins.)== Mikisato Station
by train Nagoya Station ==(Nanki Express / 2hrs. and 30mins.)== Owase Station ==(Local / 5mins.)== Osone-ura Station ==(Local / 13mins.)== Mikisato Station

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